Sunday, April 24, 2011

To Hunt or Not to Hunt...

I must preface this post by issuing this statement:
"You are reading a personal blog, that has my personal thoughts and reflections.  I am in no way judging or criticizing anyone."  :)  And I know that there are MANY different opinions on this subject...that is one reason why I blog about it and not post it on Facebook!!  In fact, no one may agree or relate at all, and that is ok.  But I have to bring it up - because it is a REAL issue.

So, to hunt or not to hunt?  Now that we have children these kinds of questions come up every holiday.  Of course we don't hunt Easter eggs at Christmas, but I am sure you get my drift.  There are so many "secular" ways to celebrate "religous" holidays that I just can't keep up with them all. 

I personally don't think that hunting Easter eggs will send your kids down the "wide road that leads to destruction" but I do think that teaching or training your kids the truth and history of EVERY holiday (including Halloween) is wise.  Remember, if you don't tell them someone else will!

Actually this year we did not participate in any "secular" Easter traditions.  Mainly because I have a 4 month old, potty training our 2 year old, my husband has a new job, I work part time and our house is for sale....seriously, there was not any time to anything but clean mouths, bottoms and floors :).  But I did make sure that Jesus and his resurrection was and is talked about a lot.  Katie is almost five and very interested in knowing this Jesus.  She is also almost five and very aware of eggs and bunnies and pink and purple decor that is EVERY where this time of year.  So I wonder what that is like to a 5 year old seeing the world all around tell her something different about the Easter holiday than what her parents tell her and what is read to her from the Bible.  Just a thought.  It seems (in my cirlce of influence) that more and more we are talking more often about eggs, bunnies and hunts leading up to that miraculous day and leaving the details of that day to our Pastors and Sunday School teachers for Sunday.   The bible tells us to write His word upon our hearts, over our door posts, when we go out and when we come in, when we wake up and when we lie down.  I am not sure if I just have really bad time management skills or what but after we spend time talking about the Lord and training them in His word there just doesn't seem to be that much time left for the other stuff - and yes, we do get out of the house and do things - you know what I mean :)

Will we ever take our kids to an egg hunt?  Probably so.  Will we ever give them something special for Easter?  Probably so.  But as my uncle sings so perfectly in a VERY children's old song, "Santa clause didn't die for anybody's sins and the easter bunny never rose again...." That being said, or sung, what I do know is that we will teach our children the truth about EVERY holiday and celebrate it in a way that the Lord would have us. 

We have been given a HUGE responsibility with 3 precious souls - souls that will spend eternity somewhere.  We just want to make sure that in our training we are speaking truth and Jesus as real as possible - because He is!


  1. Carrie, while I respect your commitment to raising your children as Christians, may I insert some levity here and share some things I've learned from the Easter Bunny:

    Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
    Everyone needs a friend who is all ears.
    There's no such thing as too much candy.
    All work and no play can make you a basket case.
    A cute tail attracts a lot of attention.
    Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day.
    Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits.
    Some body parts should be floppy.
    Keep your paws off of other people's jelly beans.
    Good things come in small, sugar coated packages.
    The grass is always greener in someone else's basket.
    To show your true colors, you have to come out of the shell.
    The best things in life are still sweet and gooey.

    Wishing you the best in this season of New Life as it seems to be coming at you from many directions. I really admire your ability to juggle things like you're doing.
