Friday, May 7, 2010

There and Back Again

Time.  It is so very valuable.  And since I had to take a 2 week break from my computer, I realized the "time" I spent on it!!  Not at all on bad things, just things that take time.  In some ways that is ok.  I feel like the Lord is using blogs (especially by Believers) to reach people.  So, this is not a post on why NOT to use a computer :)  It has just been hard for me to get back in to blogging since the break.

But, after hearing a testimony about how some blogs are really ministering to this person, I felt that was the Lord leading me to return - consistantly :)

I will still write on "Social Salt & Light" some, but I am now going to jump in to whatever the Lord is leading me. 

In Judges 8, Gideon has been a mighty man of valor, as the Lord had told him he was.  He had defeated armies and gave the Lord all the credit.  But there was one little thing he allowed in to his camp - an Ephod.  Now, the ephod was supposed to stay with the High Priest, where the temple was (which was not where Gideon was).  But for some reason, Gideon allowed that little piece of "the world" to come in and take the place of the Almighty.

Now, I am not a scholar in Hebrew or Greek or Aramic, and if you are reading this and you are you can probably tell me the exact context of this story.  But from what I read and what the ESV footnotes guided me in, I came to this thought (this is straight from my journal so forgive the randomness:) :

           Gideon made an ephod for himself - the people chased after it and worshiped it, instead of God.         That one piece of the world kept Gideon's heir from living in God's blessings.  That one piece of the world caused generations to reap what he had sown.

Now, the question to the believer is this:  What is that "one piece" of the world that you are hanging on to or allowing in your life and home that is causing you & others around you to chase after things other than God Almighty?

Lord, I ask You to reveal to me every area in my life and home that does not bring You glory!  Open my eyes to the things that You see.  Close my eyes to things of the world.  Oneness with You is what I desire.  Amen