Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wild and Free

As most of you know our amazing family of 5 is going through a transition period.  My husband is the new head football coach at Richland High School, I am technically unemployed for the first time since I was 12, beginning the homeschool journey this fall with my 5 year old, our home is for sale, and we are opting out of traditional insurance and going with Christian Care Medi-share (Christians sharing medical bills group), and a few more things I will choose not to mention.  So, for obvious reasons, money, bills, needs, etc. tend to crowd my mind.  Being a believer in Jesus Christ, I know the scriptures regarding anxiety and worries (Matt 6).  I have been reading them for as long as I can remember.  I do love the Lord so much and I do trust Him.  But sometimes the world and what is around us seem to drown out the ever present presence of our Savior, that presence He promises to all who believe and love Him. 

It is in these times when He seems to speak through the strangest surroundings :)  When I was jogging this week I began to notice the wild flowers.  Then I began to notice the flowers and flower beds wrapped around every house on the street where I was.  It was then that sweet Jesus spoke to me.  He said, "Precious child, have you ever noticed that every flower planted by human hands relies completely on human means for life but the flowers that I plant rely completely on me?  Look around beloved, the wildflowers are blooming despite the lack of rain, they come back every year, they do not worry about where their life giving nutrition will come from, and if they are blown away or drowned out by the storms of life, they come back next year even bigger and more beautiful." 

I replied, "Yes, Lord, I do notice.  And thank you for loving me in spite of my doubt.  Thank you for meeting all of our needs, and more.  You are the wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace, Jehovah Jirah.  Thank you for the beauty of your Creation, that shouts of your majesty and provision!  Help me Father, to be wild and free in You."