Friday, March 5, 2010

In the beginning....... Part 2

Psalm 143:8

"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love.
Show me the way I should go, for to You I lift up my soul."

I pray this post is used by Lord to show His people how much He loves them. We were not created to live outside of a true love relationship with Jesus. And then and only then will we be able to walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit and become the "fruits of His Spirit".

About a year ago, during one of my rare "time alone with alone God" moments, I simply asked Him, "Is this it?".  Meaning, is this all there is?  Do you get saved, live off the fire that was so huge from the first time I fell in love with Him and then over the years - job, marriage, kids, etc - live off the tiny flame that is barely burning?  God, being the man He is, did not get angry with my question ( Psalm says He is compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love) but simply replied, "Carrie, is this all you have for me?".  And you know, amazingly I knew exactly what He meant.  I knew that He did not have my whole self - the self He created for Himself.  Now please understand, I loved Him, I believed in His Son and loved His Son, I worshipped, tithed, served, proclaimed His greatness and even read His word, sometimes.  BUT He was not the center of my life.  I spent my mornings helping my husband get ready for work, cooking breakfast, getting the kids up and going, washing dishes, making coffee, starting a load of clothes, etc., ect., etc.  I was taking care of the family that God gave me, I was "serving"!  So, in my mind I would say, ok God, I will read your Word tonight or I will read when the kids go down for a nap.  Basically, "Lord I love you, but..." And if we get honest with ourselves, most Christians can say they have been there - or maybe you are there now. 

So, out of my conversation with the Lord, I realized that where I was, not where He desired me to be.  But what I did not really understand was that ALL He wanted from me was, just me - TIME with me.  Well, I began getting up a little earlier and before I did ANYTHING, except potty and pour myself a cup of coffee :) , I sat on my couch opened up the Bible and began loving my Savior!  In all honesty, I took some time to get used to this.  It was a discipline.  I had to discipline myself to get up and not "do" all the things that needed to be "done".  But I will testify that after a couple of weeks of just simply sitting in the quiet, in the morning, and just reading the Bible, my life began.  I must add that the Lord redeems the time that I spend with Him in the mornings - I am not as tired in the evenings, I think more clearly through out the day, I am more patient, my relationship with my husband has grown and is sweeter now than ever!  And now, a year later, I am up at least and hour or two before the kids, and look forward to the time I have alone with my Savior!  So sweet!

To be continued.......


  1. AMEN! Im in the process of getting my own lil tiny space that's just for me to spend time w God. Now of course in my house w all 5 of us plus a dog-this means I have to use a space that's already being used-but like Dara said-make it an intimate spot where I can go to each morning/day/whenever I want that intimate time w Jesus and just be with Him!

    It's so easy to get distracted in the morning w family, chores, tv, computer, radio etc that we havent even realized that our morning is half over and we still havent been intimate with our Bridegroom!

    It's very encouraging to read how God transformed/transforms you as well!!! Good writing my dear! Keep it up! LOVE YA!

  2. Thanks Carrie for the encouragement and reminder! Love you.
